Together with the Dutch National Military Museum and a small team young creatives, we developed a way to deliver an interactive experience. As we walked through the beautiful museum we noticed that some objects didn’t get the exposure they deserved. We decided to give the 24CM Coastal artillery cannon more exposure by using gamification. The museum visitor can interact with an augmented reality system that is stationed next to the colossal cannon.
In this experience the user can:
– Rotate the system 360 degrees to be able to see the colossal cannon from all sides.
– Play a challenge where he has to beat the average time a gunner needed to load and fire the cannon. This while reproducing steps that are historically correct.
– Discover the cannon by going into the discover area and clicking on the most important parts to learn the story behind them.
– See a looping animation (with timeline scroll) of artillery gunners, preparing and loading the gun.
By using this technique the user is able to learn about the subject in a fun and interactive way.